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Born to a meager upbringing in a log cabin on the banks of the…kidding.

I began my career as a hospice chaplain working in Southeast Ohio. I spent years helping people reflect on life, confront their mortality and embrace a savior who is waiting with for all of us with open arms.

I’ve decided to be the guy who brings along a flashlight as people tell their stories. I want to spotlight the true words written in bold on our inner framework by our creator, words which somehow have gone unnoticed or been forgotten. God has written some big words inside of us, etched them deeply into our being and printed them in blood. Words like forgiven and loved by our Creator are our real bios.

I can tell you about my childhood, that I’m a military brat who has lived all over the world. I can tell you about how I’ve spent years in a Christian band and how I love to speak and entertain crowds and if you ask me about my daughter or my wife, get comfy. 

I’m a longtime listener. I’m a forever storyteller and a writer shining a light on our internal design.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies, an MBA from ITT Tech and certifications in bioethics and world health from Harvard, but the most important things I’ve learned while sitting at the bedside of people who are dying. 

I’m excited to share my debut as a Christian author with a new book soon to be released. Bob Goff author of New York Times best seller Love Does, and Kimberly Stuart, best-selling author and speaker, collaborated on this book.